Illustrator: Promotional Poster
Students researched Illustrator tutorials and used the skills learn to create a promotional poster for a specific event, geared at a specific audience.
Tischler |
Traxson |
Pace |
Hess |
Meeds |
Kraft |
Hague |
Longman |
Geometric Objects & Freehand Drawing in Illustrator
The examples below are the result of learning to use geometric objects and freehand drawing tools in Illustrator. The fire truck and computer cables were an example given in the book. The freehand illustrations were created using a variation of the brush, pencil and blob brush tools.
Meisinger |
Duff |
Probert |
Hague |
Tischler |
Meisinger |
Sims |
Sims |
Sims |
Anderson |
Couch |
Vang |
Typographic Illustrations
As an exploration of typography and the power of Illustrator, students were to choose a poem, quote, phrase, speech or lyrics to create a text only illustration. Several of these illustrations are on display at the Labette Community College
Hendershot Gallery.
Ellis |
Anderson |
Hague |
Brooks |
Duff |
Hess |
Longman |
Meisinger |
Pace |
Probert |
Sims |
Thornhill |
Vang |
Display Ads
In Image Composition students had to recreate an existing store ad as is, with a new color scheme, and using it as a template for a new promotion. The image above is the original and the images below are how the students used it for a new promotion.